Stephanie Mammarella Stephanie Mammarella

Thinking outside the Box

There is more to life than just plants, ocean, and sky. It should be considered a privilege to be on this planet and respecting everyone and everything around you.

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

1 Peter 2:9

Sometimes we are in situations where moments arise, and we need to turn our attention to thinking outside of our usual realm. Jesus was one of those moments in everyone’s life and although he arrived only a few thousand years ago, and his life on this planet was short lived. It was the most effective moment to happen in this planet’s history.

When we think about His life. We are amazed at how everything was out of the ordinary that was going on. Looking back into history. Rulers at that time, like the Roman Empire or for example, Alexander the Great. Sat at the head of their country and tried to rule with an iron fist taking over other countries in their wake.

If we study the Old and New testament, written by people who were experiencing life and wrote about it. We can see right from the beginning of their existence it commenced in no ordinary way. It astounds us to think that God right from the beginning created heaven and earth by separating both and then created humans in His own image. From our perspective it seems odd and yet amazing that a creator would do that. For us it would take years of planning and testing.  It would be something we have been trying to achieve outside the box for a very long time before we would ask ourselves 'so what from this moment is the future going to look like once we have done this'. Unlike the Lord we don’t have the capacity to do that.

There is a moment in Jesus’ life after He has gathered a group of twelve, young immature but dedicated followers to his side. They were following His teachings and obeying Him totally with their love for Him and had witnessed many miracles and healings. If you look at the Gospel of Mark, although they were witnessing everything it seemed they were not comprehending everything that was occurring. Jesus had shown them many answers and sat and taught them many parables and by the end of His ministry He was saying He was going to die and come back later. This is another moment for them, and Jesus wants them to think. Think outside the box. What is better? That He came down to earth to rule like the politicians of the day with an iron fist or that He descended from His throne and came to them through a virgin, a miracle within itself, to teach us we can all live together with great love and in great harmony. If only we would have treated each other better right from the beginning. He also advises them He will be leaving them with the Holy Spirit, who will help them and us stay strong until His return.

Shortly after His telling the disciples all that was going to happen. It became very real. He was being hung on that cross and lots were in great fear and left Him as He had said they would. Not a very strong response from the people after thirty-three years of trying to get through to everyone. No one was willing to think further than what they wanted to a better ending for all, or outside the box of their current world. It wasn’t until Jesus ascended on high and they realised everything He was trying to say, after He was gone.

Noah lived in a desert. It never rained, yet there he was building a boat, as the Lord had asked Him to, because the people of the day had become very corrupt.  Someone had to think outside of the box and to literally build a box that would float on water, to house the future of this planet at that moment in time and set a new path for the world.

Moses had what was estimated to be over two million people walking behind him leaving Egypt and trusted the Lord enough to make the Lord's people walk into an ocean as the Lord parted the water.  Another out of the box moment, to save everyone from themselves. They were so scared about escaping they thought the safety of being prisoners in Egypt was better than this moment. All because they didn’t want to try and think they could have a better life where the Lord was leading them. At this point a lot did not get to the land of milk and honey because they didn’t want to ‘think outside the box’.

You may have an idea that you need to take to the Lord and see where He will take it with you. It could very well change the world.

Quote from Country Grace:

There is more to life than just plants, ocean, and sky. It should be considered a privilege to be on this planet and respecting everyone and everything around you.

Written by

Christine Stephanie Mammarella

14th February 2022

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